Tom's Weightlifting Page


Its the real thing

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Suggestions for effective training

  • Keep track of what you do and what you eat, this way you will know what works and what does not
  • Each time you lift -- do something better. This does not mean higher weights each time.
  • Nutrition, nutrition and nutrition! Eat 1 gr per pound of lean mass per day of protein. Eat 6-7 small meals, rather than 3 large meals. Avoid lots of saturated fats, and eat lots of complex carbs -- this means veggies.
  • If you are a beginner, do a full body workout 3 times a week. All others should exercise each body part once a week (possible exception, abs).
  • Exercise for at most one hour.
  • The emphasis in exercising should be on the large classical compound movements, chest press, squats, deadlifts, stiff legged dead lifts, chins and dips. Avoid over emphasis on machines and isolation exercises.
  • Most supplements are junk. A good multivitamin should be enough. I count flax oil and whey protein as food.

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    Picture taken September 1999

    This picture taking in September 1998, when I was at 172#. The picture was taken at the GT Barbell Club.

    For information about this club, email me.

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    Don't these guys ever read the studies? I thought that EVERYONE knew that extended Nautilus use leads to soft, squishy muscles and an irresistible urge to wear Spandex. --- John Williams author of the Rusty Iron Pages

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