Tom's Weight Training Page

Links and stuff.

Links and Stuff

Updated March 22, 1999


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  • On-line publications:

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  • Here are links to the nutrient analysis of foods:

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  • Body Fat Links:

  • Physical Calculators (BMI, bf, "ideal weight", etc...)

  • One of the most common injuries is an injury to the rotator cuff. These are mostly preventable with exercise. Here are some links:

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  • Here's a few web pages with technique descriptions and demos : Olympic lifts demos's and other lifts:

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    Strength and power lifting sites:

  • Here is Pat Arnold's latest thinking about the various andros.

  • Here are some other GT web sites with weight training information:
  • Here are some reputable web supplement stores.

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    I am always glad to help. If you have any specific questions, do not hesitate to EMAIL me Here.

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