Tom's Weight Training Page
Cardio diary.
April 26: Somewhere over 10920 KCal burned.
This is over a pound of fat. (using 7000 KCal = 1 lb.)
Well, February 10, 1999 I quit smoking. Since then I have
started cardio. I am keeping a journal here. Each month is in
reverse chronological order.
Jun, 1999: Current RHR 45-48
Treadmill is a Trotter Professional model 545. KCal estimation on
treadmill is by
Polar Smart Edge Heart Monitor. KCal estimation on Stairmaster
is by Stairmaster.
I do not know my actual Max bbm. The age formula is wrong, as
I have seen my heart rate higher than 220-48.
The stair sub-max test
from Sally Edwards' book gives about 190 or 195. In any case,
I seem to be a lactic acid junky, perhaps from weightlifting.
- Jun 3, Treadmill, 30 min. Speed Chalange, Level 5,
too easy -- + 1.5 to +2 mph, max 7 mph. 360 KCal.
- May 30, Treadmill, 20 min Level 9 Fitness. Easy. 15 min
Express, Level 8. Total C. 420.
- May 29 Treadmill, 20 min Fitness, Level 7 with + 1.5 mph.
Easy .
- May 27 Stationary Bile. 17 min or 24 or Hills, Level 10.
Max heart rate 165. 6 miles.
- May 25, Stationary Bike 15 min or 24 of Hills, Level 12.
Max Heart rate 165. 5 Miles
- May 23, Stairmaster Freerunner. 20 min (or 30) Max Fat Burn
Level 10. Heart rate seems pegged at 125 'till about 15 min.
Max heart rate 163.
- May 9, Stairmaster. 20 Min. (or 30) Max Fat burn Level 15.
(!) Heart rate was 130 'till about 15 min. The largest it got (at about
18 or 19 min) was 152 or so. It is getting harder and
harder to get the HR up. That is to say -- what previously
put me in the 150s or 160s now is a comfortable 125.
Something is working.
- May 2: Elliptical 15 min. Interaval 250 KCal . Not a beat over
130. ... Recumbant Bike 5 min. 137 bpm. Its getting harder and harder to
get the heart rate up. That is to say, the aerobic conditioneing
is working.
- April 27: Treadmill 10 min, .9 miles, max stpeed 7.5 mph.
(Right after swim).
- April 25: Procar Elliptical machine 30min + 5 C.D., Interval
program, Level 8, Ramp very high (6/9), 598 KCal.
- April 19: Stairmaster Fat burning plus program , Level 14,
20 minutes. Easy. Piece of cake. 313 KCal. This is a significant
improvement from April 5. WOW, maybe I am doing something
right... Sometimes I get discouraged at my lack of progress.
That's one reason I keep these diaries, I guess.
In any case comparing with April 5, I was two levels higher, and
although I did not wear a heart monitor, I was nowhere near 160+
bbm. Not a lot of sweat today.
- April 16: Just a comment, I've been doing a lo of swimming,
So there haven;t been as many entries here.
- April 9: Lifecycle. Race program, 20 mph, gear 8, 15 minutes,
for a total of 5 miles, Max bbm 140.
- April 6: Procar (?) Elliptical machine. 30 min + 5 min coll down,
Interval program, levels 2/7, 517 KCal.
- April 5: Stairmaster. Fat Burn Plus Program Level #12,
30 Minutes, 3.53 miles, 411 KCal (stairmaster), 431 KCal (Smart
Edge). Max bbm 164, most of 1st half at 140, second half 150
with occasional 160's at top of range.
- April 4: Treadmill. 5 Min to speed, 12 min jog -- at about 6 mph,
5 min. cool down. 1.83 miles.. 1.2 miles in the jog. Max heart rate
173, but average max was abou 170. KCal 311.
- April 1. Just 15 minutes doing nothing in particuilar
on a teadmill and a stairmaster. Max bbm 140. About 151 KCal.
Sone this was just after leg day (front squarts and good mornings
and I had done considerable swimming yesterday with zoomers (great
glute and ham workout!), I hearby forgive myself.
- March 30, Treadmill, basically just kinda trying various
programs out. About 20 min. Worked up to 5.6 mph at 13%
grade (169 max bbm). About 221 Kcal.
- March 28, Treadmill, Program #10, 5K run. Compleated
in an absurdly bad time of over 36+ minutes. But I did it.
Max heart rate of 169. Average more like 150-160.
522 KCal.
- March 27, Treadmill. Program #3, Cardiovascular, 20 min.,
Level #7. Max heart rate 136. 241 KCal. Boring! Note increadable
improvement over March 24 (and 20th). This stuff must be
working. However heart beat below 140 was boring. So..
I added ..
Treadmill, Program #1, Fitness Test, 20 min.,
Level #9. 221 KCal. Max Heart rate 180. (For about 1-2 minutes.
This was at 5.6 mph, 12% grade) Nice. Not boring. Good
Lactic Acid. This was not my max heart rate, I still had some
reserve to go faster --. However this is enough to
show that 220-age does not work.
- March 26, Treadmill. 3K. Max grade 4%, Max bbm 171,
Ave Max 165 bbm, max speed 5.6. 391 KCal.
- March 25, Treadmill 2K, Max speed 6.2 mph. Unknown heart rate.
- March 24, Treadmill, Cardiovascular Program (#3), Level 7,
Max bbm 152, Ave Max 150. 300 KCal. This is an incredible
improvement over March 20
- March 22, Treadmill. Cardiovascular Program (#3), Level 6,
upping speed to 4.9. Max 150 bbm, 228 KCal.
- March 21 Treadmill Hill Interval Program Max grade 14%,
Max speed 4.1, 292 KCal., One 12 Min mile, bbm 120.
- March 20, Treadmill, Cardiovascular Program,(#2), Level #7,
Max bbm 175, 30 minutes, 416 KCal.
- March 16, Stairmaster, Fat Burning Plus Program, Level 12,
30 minutes, 431 KCal
- March 14, Stairmaster, Fat Burning Plus Program, Level 13,
stop at 20 Min. 305 KCal.
- March 13, Stairmaster, Fat Burning Plus Program, Level 12,
431 KCal.
- March 12, Stairmaster, Fat Burning Plus Program, Level 11,
stop after 15 min. 187 KCal.
- March 10, Stairmaster, manual, 20 min., 310 KCal
- March 9 Stairmaster, 15 min., manual, up to level 9, 230
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