Welcome to Mathematics 2602, Winter-Spring Semester 2000.
My office hours are WF 9:05-9:50, W 2:15-3, and by appointment..
Skiles 148 .
I can often be found in
Skiles 237 (Math Lounge).
New Course material: Optimization
Linear Programming Notes SOme suggested problems (December 4):
Computer project is due Nov 30
Do in groups of 2-3. Due Nov 30
Leonardo Pisano is better known by his nickname Fibonacci.
Welcome to Mathematics 2602, Winter-Spring Semester 2000.
My office hours are WF 9:05-9:50, W 2:15-3, and by appointment..
Skiles 148 .
I can often be found in
Skiles 237 (Math Lounge).
Class (at Tech) is at 10:05 am in Lecture Hall 1, Weber Building . Building (On MWF). On TTh, it is various places. Below are the tentative classrooms for TuTh. Please check Oscar, for there might be last minute changes.
The TAs for this class are:
Text: Discrete Algorithmic Mathematics, Bu Stephen B. Maurer and Anthony Ralston. A. K. Peters, Ltd. 1998, together with various handouts.
Matlab Project Due March 29.
MatLab Project Number 2 Due April 17.
Page for Co-Web posting of project one
Homework Due April 20:
Homework Due April 25 -- For Degree Candidates:
Quiz Solutions:
Topic | Sections | Appoximate Days* |
Mathematica Induction | 2.2,2.3,2.4,2.7 | 3 |
Counting Methods | 4.1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 | 6 |
Difference Equations | 5.2,3,4,5,6,7 | 4 |
Infinite Processes in Discrete Mathematics | 9.2,3,4,5, also 0.4,.0.5 | 6 |
Graphcs and Trees | 3.1-8 | 8 |
Algorithmic Linear Algebra | 8.2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10,*11 | 10 |
Combinatorial Optimization and Integer Programming | Hand out. | 5 |
* Approximate Lecture (MWF) class periods
**Section 8.11 is not in the book. It will be handed out.
The grade will be based on
Class (at Tech) is at 10:05 am in Lecture Hall 1, Weber Building . Building (On MWF). On TTh, it is various places. Below are the tentative classrooms for TuTh. Please check Oscar, for there might be last minute changes.
The TAs for this class are:
Text: Discrete Algorithmic Mathematics, Bu Stephen B. Maurer and Anthony Ralston. A. K. Peters, Ltd. 1998, together with various handouts.
Quiz Feb 29
Homework -- Due Feb 24:
Homework due Thursday, Feb 3:
Homeworkk due Monday Jan 24 -- Will not be collected
Homework Due Jan 20
Topic | Sections | Appoximate Days* |
Mathematica Induction | 2.2,2.3,2.4,2.7 | 3 |
Counting Methods | 4.1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 | 6 |
Difference Equations | 5.2,3,4,5,6,7 | 4 |
Infinite Processes in Discrete Mathematics | 9.2,3,4,5, also 0.4,.0.5 | 6 |
Graphcs and Trees | 3.1-8 | 8 |
Algorithmic Linear Algebra | 8.2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10,*11 | 10 |
Combinatorial Optimization and Integer Programming | Hand out. | 5 |
* Approximate Lecture (MWF) class periods
**Section 8.11 is not in the book. It will be handed out.
The grade will be based on
email: morley@math.gatech.edu
ICQ: 24798603 (Name: tmorley)
Note: I can often be reached in the evening by ICQ. Do not hesitate to
use this if you have any questions, etc.,
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