Tom Morley's 1502 -- Old Postings
Welcome to Mathematics 1502, Winter-Spring Semester 2000.
My office hours are WF 9:05-9:50,W 2:15-3, and by appointment..
Skiles 148 .
I can often be found in
Skiles 236 (Math Lounge). In the evenings, I can often be
reached by ICQ.
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Results from previous quizlets this semester
Quizlet Results from last semester
General Information
Class (at Tech) is at 8:05 am in
Physics Lecture Hall 3
Note Change
On TTh, it is various places. See
Oscar, as the classrooms might change.
TAs for the course:
Class co-Web: Follow the links to Math 1502 --
Texts: The usual calculus book: Calculus, by Salas, Hille and Etgen,
together with: Primer for Linear Algebra, by S. Demko.
The grade will be based on
- Quizes give approximately every two weeks. Total 55%
- Computer Projects. 10%
- Homework 10%
- Final Exam 25%
Welcome to Mathematics 1502, Winter-Spring Semester 2000.
My office hours are WF 9:05-9:50,W 2:15-3, and by appointment..
Skiles 148 .
I can often be found in
Skiles 236 (Math Lounge). In the evenings, I can often be
reached by ICQ.
That's me playing guitar.
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Results from previous quizlets this semester
Quizlet Results from last semester
General information on 1502
Solutions to First quiz
Solutions to the second quiz
Solutions to the third quiz
Solutions to the fouth quiz.
Solutions to the fifth quiz
Solutions to the sixth quiz
Solutions to the seventh quiz
Homework due April 25:
- Demko Section 5.3, page 149: 2,3,4
- Demko, Section 5.4, page 158: 1,2c,d,4,5
Class co-Web: Follow the links to Math 1502 --
Directions for the Computer Project:
- Download the maple projet(s)
Here .
This is a Maple file. If you have your brouwser set
up for ".mws" to start Maple as a helper app, then
all is fine. Otherwise just save the file and
restart it with Maple.
- Work the project in groups of two or three, or four
- Hand in a printed copy of the worked project o n the Due Date.
Include in the printed version lots of English Text explaining what you are doing and why.
- Create of CoWeb page detailing your group's experience, trials, tribulations, and suggestions. To do this:
GO to the CoWeb link
Edit that page by adding between *'s:
*Prject two: Name, name name*
Like *Project 2: Maria Calas, Birgit Neilson and J Sutherland* After you do
that, hit save. The page will now have a link that looks like
Maria Calas, Birgit Neilson and J. Sutherland [Create]
Go to this link, and your CoWewb page will be created. Edit there. Flat text if fine.
- Your CoWeb page should contain:
- A description of the problem in English
- The mathods that you used to solve the problem.
- Any problems (computer problems, maple problems, group problems, etc...) that you encountered in working the project.
- Any useful hint you have for others.
- Anything else you want to add.
- The due date is April 17.
Homework: Due April 11:
- Demko: Section 5.1, page 133: 2,3,5,6,8
Homework: Due April 13:
- Demko, Section 5.2, page 140: 1g,h,i, 2,a,c,3g,h,i
MW: Due March 30
- DEMKO: 4.1 page 94, Section 4.1: 1e,f,2d,e,f,3c
- DEMKO 4.2 page 102, Section 4.2: 5,6
- DEMKO 4.3 page 108, Section 4.3: 1,2
- DEMKO 4.4, page 118 -- 1,2,3,7
- DEMKO 4.5, page 124 -- 2,3,5
Computer Project Number 1,
Maple Project
Directions for the Computer Project:
- load the maple projet(s) on the 1502 web page.
- This is a Maple file. If you have your brouwser set
up for ".mws" to start Maple as a helper app, then
all is fine. Otherwise just save the file and
restart it with Maple.
- Work the project in groups of two or three
- Hand in a printed copy of the worked project o n the Due Date.
- Include in the printed version lots of English Text explaining what you are doing and why.
- Create of CoWeb page detailing your group's experience, trials, tribulations, and suggestions. To do this:
- GO to the CoWeb link
- Follow the links to Math 1502 Spring 2000, and
- Maple Priject Number 1.
- Edit that page by adding your group's name between *'s.
- Like *Maria Calas, Birget Nilson, and John Sutherland*
that, hit save. The page will now have a link that looks like Maria Calas, Birgit Neilson and J. Sutherland?
Go to this link, and your CoWewb page will be created. Edit there. Flat text if fine.
Your CoWeb page should contain:
- A description of the problem in English
- The mathods that you used to solve the problem.
- Any problems (computer problems, maple problems, group problems, etc...) that you encountered in working the project.
- Any useful hint you have for others.
- Anything else you want to add.
The due date is March 27.
The midterm course/instructor opinion surveys will be online starting this
Sunday, Feb. 27th through Friday March 3rd. This is your chance to give
your instructors feedback that they can use to improve their classes while
you are still there! The midterm survey has been changed from last term
and so it should be more applicable for a course that is still in progress.
Unfortunately, you must first bypass all the old questions to get to the
new ones, due to a programming glitch, so please persevere...
Even if you don't think the survey applies for a particular class that you
are taking, please take the time to log on to the system and fill out the
comments for the instructor - they are interested in hearing (constructive,
polite, etc.) feedback!
[And the comment section has been enlarged to allow for more comments.]
To get to the surveys, go to
Your login is the same as for registration - use your banner id and pin.
Homework: Due March 16 -- THURSDAY
- Demko: Section 3.2, page 65 -- 1,2,3,6
- Demko: Section 3.3, page 75 -- 1,2,3,7,8
Body Fat Formulas
- Male:
D = 1.10938 - (0.0008267 * sum of chest, abdominal, thigh) + (0.0000016 * square of the sum
of chest, abdominal, thigh) - (0.0002574 * age), based on a sample aged 18-61.
Jackson, A.S. & Pollock, M.L. (1978) Generalized equations for predicting body density of men. British J of Nutrition,
40: p497-504.
Suri: %BF = 495/D-450
- Female:
D = 1.0994921 - (0.0009929 * sum of triceps, suprailiac, thigh) + (0.0000023 * square of the
sum of triceps, suprailiac, thigh) - (0.0001392 * age), based on a sample aged 18-55.
Jackson, et al. (1980) Generalized equations for predicting body density of women. Medicine and Science in Sports
and Exercise, 12:p175-182.
Suri: %BF = 495/D-450
Quiz Feb 29
Solutions to Quiz Tuesday Feb 15
Due Feb 24:
- DEMKO: Section 2.1 -- page 37: 4,5,6,7
- DEMKO: Section 2.2 -- page 41: 1,2,3,4
- DEMKO: Section 2.3 -- page 47: 1e,f; 2,3
Suggested problems from 3.1 and planes --
- Section 4.1 (Demko) Page 58 -- 3 e,f,g,h, 4 iii, iv
- Section 12. 7 CALCULUS BOOK: -- page 766 5,6,10,11,16,17,27,28
Quiz Tuesday Feb 15:
Suggested problems for studying for the quiz:
- Section 8.7, page 490: # 4,5,13,18,19,20
- DEMKO: Section 1.1 --- page 6 -- #2b,d,f, 3,4,5
- DEMKO: Section 1.2 -- page 15 -- # 1b,d,f, 2,b,d,f
- DEMKO: Section 2.1 -- page 37 -- 1,2,3,8
Homework Due Jan 27
- Section 11.8: Page 701: 1,3,5,7,9,13,15,23,26,27,28,29,30
Solutions to First quiz
Homework due Tuesday 18
- Calculus: Section 11.5, page 679: 2,4,6,8,11,14,26,28
- Section 11.5 (as above) #39, 40
First Homewrok Due Jan 13
- Calculus: Section 11.1, page 645: 1,3,4,21,22,24,25,26,28,32,40,48,
- Calculus: Section 11.2, page 655: 1,2,3,6,8,11. How many
terms do you need to get 1 + 1/2 + 1/3, + ...+1/n > 30?
Homework due Tuesday 18
- Calculus: Section 11.5, page 679: 2,4,6,8,11,14,26,28
- Section 11.5 (as above) #39, 40
First quiz date: Jan 20
Course Outline for Math 1502
Topic |
Sections |
Appoximate Days* |
Taylor Series |
Calculus: 11.1,11.2,11.5,11.6, 10.5-7 |
9 |
Power Series,Numerical Integration, ODEs |
Calculus: 11.7,11.8,8.7,8.8 |
6 |
Matrices - Row Reduction,etc. |
Demko: 1.1,1.2,1.3,2.1,2.2,2.3 |
9 |
Geometric Theory of Linear Systems |
Demko: Chapter 3 |
9 |
Eigenvalues |
Demko: Chapter 4, 5.1-5.4 |
7 |
* Approximate Lecture (MWF) class periods
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ICQ: ICQ: 24798603 (tmorley)
Phone: (404) 894 9233 Fax: (404) 894 4409

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