Tom Morley's 4580


Welcome to Mathematics 4580, Spring quarter 2001.

Linear Programming

Class is MWF 8 in Instructional Center 215

Welcome to Mathematics 4580, Spring quarter 2001. My office hours are MWF 9:15-9>50 in Skiles 148 or the Math Lounge -- Skiles 236. TuTh hours are to be arranged.

The textbook is Vasek Chvatal, Linear Programming . We will start by covering chapters 1 through 10, and then see where we are, and what the class interests are.

HW: Due April 16

Homework .. due March 14 (locally) :

Homework.. Due Febuary, 21 *Locally*

Computer project #1

This project is to (start) to construct a reasonable diet problem.

The diet problem should consist of 9-15 foods. These should include food that you like.

The project shouid be doen in groups of 2-3 people, where possible.

Minimize cost. Look it up in the grocery store, or guesstimate.

When you have set things up -- post your problem - with explination here: Linear Co-web

Follow links to 4580 diet problem.

This is a co-web, that is user editable web pages.

The constraints include the following

The values of the above nutients for all koinds of food can be found at the USDA nutrient data base. RDA is "recomended daily allowance. Look it up.

Comments on fats:

Fats are listed in this dat base as "lipids". For instance "16:1" means a fat with a carbon chain of 16, with one unsaturated bond. The omega three fatty acids are: 18:3, 20:5 and 22:6. Fats have 9 calories per gram.

Protien and carbohydrates have 4 calories per gram.

The project is emarly to SET UP THE PROBEM (and post it on a web page I will provide for you.)

Start NOW!

Homework Set #2, Due Monday Feb 5.

Homework Set Number 1 -Due Friday Jan 19 (On Campus)

The grade will be based on a series of Homework assigments (55%), together withgroup computer project(15%), and the final (30%), which will be open book and notes.

Help stamp out meaningless symbolic manipulation

Old (previous terms) 4580 stuff

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