Tom Morley's 2803
Welcome to Mathematics 2803, Spring quarter 1999.
My office hours are MWF 10-11,
Skiles 263 or
Skiles 237 (Math Lounge).
Suggested Problems (Updated May 22):
- Section 5.2 (page 230): 6,7,8,11,14,15
- Section 5.3 (page 240): 1,2,3,5,8
- Section 5.5 (page 270): 1,2,3,5, #6, with changed directions: "Find the null space"
- (Not covered yet 5/24) Section 5.4 (page 255): 2,3,11,18
Quiz Wed. 19.
Suggested Problems (Getting slightly ahead of ourselves):
- Section 1.3 (page 48): 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,13,15
- Section 1.4 (page 48): 1,2,3,4,5,7,23
- Section 4.2 (page 196) 2,3,4,5,6,7,10,14,16, 18, 19
- Section 5.2 (page 230): 6,7,8,11,14,15,
- Section 5.5 (page 270) #6, with changed directions: "Find the null space"
First Computer Project: is
here .
Computer Project Due Mon May 17
These are a maple files. You are to do the exercies is groups of two or
three, including text so that the file is readable. Also you are to
contribute (as a group) a web page on the editible CoWeb about
this project, or about similar problems. This will be due on or
about May 122.
Directions for the Computer Project:
- Download the maple projet(s) on the 2803 web page.
- Work the project in groups of two or three
- Hand in a printed copy of the worked project o n the Due Date.
- Include in the printed version lots of English Text explaining what you are doing and why.
- Create of CoWeb page detailing your group's experience, trials, tribulations, and suggestions. To do this:
- Go to the 2803 web page
- GO to the CoWeb link here.
- Go to the Math2803 Computer Project 1 link
- Edit that page by adding your group's name between #'s.
Like #Maria Calas, Birgit Neilson and J Sutherland#
After you do that, hit save.
The page will now have a link that looks like Maria Calas, Birgit Neilson and J. Sutherland?
- Go to this link, and your CoWewb page will be created.
Edit there. Flat text if fine.
Your CoWeb page should contain:
- A description of the problem in English
- The mathods that you used to solve the problem.
- Any problems (computer problems, maple problems, group problems, etc...) that you encountered in
working the project.
- Any useful hint you have for others.
- Anything else you want to add.
The due date is May 12
Today we finished up 4.2, which completes chapter 4. Started
5.5. Unfortunately, the probelms from 5.5 assume 5.1-4.
Friday we will start 5.1 and 5.2
Suggested Problems (Getting slightly ahead of ourselves):
- Section 1.3 (page 48): 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,13,15
- Section 1.4 (page 48): 1,2,3,4,5,7,23
- Section 4.2 (page 196) 2,3,4,5,6,7,10,14,16, 18, 19
- Wed April 28: Covered 3.2
Quiz Monday. Quiz Monday. Covers through 3.3.
- Covered Fri April 23: Parts of Secion 1.2 : Gaussian Elimination.
Note We weill NOT cover Gauss Jordan.
Note: Always write out equations explicitly.
- Monday April 26 Continued with examples from 1.2, Started 3.1,3.2
Suggested Problems:
- Exercise set 1.2, page 20,# 7,9,10,17
- Secion 3.1, page 125: 1,4,7
- Section 3.2, page 130: 1,2,3,4,8,9
- Section 3.3, Page 139: 1,2,3,4,8,10,12,16,17.
Alternative problems from Grossman (The calculus book)
- Section 11.1 (Similar to 3.1 in Anton), Page 728: 1,3,5,7,9,27,28,43
- Section 11.2 (Similar to 3.3 in Anton) Page 736, # 1,3,5,7,9,19,21,22,23,
Stuff from April 16-21
Next quiz: The 21st.
Sections Covered on Quiz, together with suggested problems:
- Section 9.1, as worked by Taylor series (as in class Mon 19):
page 601, #1,3,10,13,15,27
- Section 9.5 Using Taylor polynomials to approximate integrals:
page 633 17,18,19,20,211,22,23,24
- Part of 10.9
Page 703:Self Quiz I, II, II, IV, #1,2,3,4,,8,9,11,12,13, 21,22,25,35c
- part of 10.10
Suggested Problems: page 714, #1,2,3,4,5,6,12,14,25
The Taylor series of tan(x) to 30 terms!
I will be arround tomorrow afternoon from 2-3:30.
In my office or in the math lounge Siles 236.
Sections from Chapter 9 and 10 we will NOT cover: 9.3,10.1,10.2
Updated 5 April
Stuff from week of April 12-16
Material Covered:
- Wed April 14. Part of 10.9
Page 703:Self Quiz I, II, II, IV, #1,2,3,4,,8,9,11,12,13, 21,22,25,35c
- Fri April 16: part of 10.10
Suggested Problems: page 714, #1,2,3,4,5,6,12,14,25
Part of 9.1
Suggested Problems: (Solve by Taylor series!) page 601, #1,3,10,13,15,27
- Monday: We will go over whatever problems you want to.
If there are no suggestions for problems, we will continue into
new material, which WILL be in the quiz.
Page (for printing) containing only
suggested problems
Quiz Monday April 12. One half hour. Open Book and notes.
Calculator allowed. Will cover up to what we cover on Friday.
This is the following:
- 10.3 geometric series.
- 9.4 Taylor polynomials.
- 9.5 Taylor polynomials with remainder. Does not
cover applications to integrals.
Note: I will try to get back from swimming as soon as I can Monday morning,
so that you can ask me any last minute questions. I will be in
the Math Lounge (Skiles 236) before class (about 8:30 or 8:45 'till 9).
Material Covered:
- March 31: Section 10.3 Geometric Series.
Suggested Problems: Page 656-7 Calculus Book:# 1,3,5,6,7,11,13,15,17,19,20.
- April 2 Parts of Section 9.4.
Suggested Problems: Page 625, #1,2,3,5,7,19,20,21.
- Monday April 5: Continue with 9.4, Part of 9.5
Suggested problems: 1,3,4,5,7,8,11,12,15,17,19,20.
- Wed. April 7.( Continue with 9.5, Work Problems from 10,3,
9.4,.9.5. Parts of 10.9
- Fri. April 9.( Continue with 9.5, work problems.
- Monday April 12 Work Problems, Quiz #1
- Wed April 14. (Tentative) Part of 10.9
Page 696: #1,2,3,4,9,11,12,13
Sections from Chapter 9 and 10 we will NOT cover: 9.3,10.1,10.2
The Math 2308 Co-Web Space
Please feel free to add what you want. Extra credit available.
We have a special Math (tutoring) Lab for 2803 students in Skiles
171. The hours are
Tuesday and Thursday, 11 - 3
The lab will begin on
April 6. It is very important that you take advantage of this.
Math 2803 really has too much stuff in it for a three hour course.
You should spend an hour or two each week at this tutoring lab. Think
of it as the Tu-Th recitation section.
Here is the official syllabus for Math 2803. Please feel free
to share this syllabus with students in other sections:
Math 2803
- Taylor approximation, Infinite Series and Taylor Series, 10 lectures
Reading: Grossman, Chapters 9 and 10. Start with Taylor approximation, sections 9.4
and 9.5., and do L'Hopital's rule as an application of Taylor approximation, and avoid
the mean values theorem discussion in the book.
The key concept to focus on here is approximation -- working with the
remainder in Taylor"s theorem and inequalities.
- Introduction to matrices, linear functions and linear equations, 5 lectures:
Reading Anton Chapter 1 and Chapter 4. The focus hear should be in Gaussian elimination and Matrix algebra.
- Determinants: 1 lecture Reading Anton Chapter 2. One lecture on
- Vector Spaces: 5 Lectures Reading Anton - Chapter 5, focus
on R^n
- Least Squares: 2 Lectures Reading: Anton Sections 6.4 and 9.3
- Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues: 3 Lectures: Reading Anton Chapter 7
and sections 9.1,9.5, and 9.6.
The grade for the course will be computed as follows:
- Approximately 6 open book one half hour quizzes. 65 points.
- 1 computer project: 10 points
- Final exam (open book and notes) 25 points.
Since I have never taught this specific course before I have no old
tests. However Professor Andrew's old test for the course are here:
Note that some if these test contain some material not in
the current course outline... Outlines change.
This should give you some idea of the material and level of the course.
All these tests are from
Professor Andrew's 2803 Page . Thanks, Fred, for allowing me
to use these links.
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