Tom Morley's 1508 Archive Winter 1998

Who is this Integrator?


Welcome to Mathematics 1508, Winter quarter 1998. My office hours are MWF 9:30-11, Skiles 263 or Skiles 237 (Math Lounge).

Updated 9 March

Quizlet of the Week

Previous quizlet results can be found here.
A substantial number of people answering last weeks quizlet said that we were going too fast. OK. I'll slow down. Please let me know when I am going too fast or too slow. -- tdm

Course Outline for Math 1508
Topic Sections Appoximate Days
The Integral 4.1-4.8 6
Applications of the Definite Integral 5.1-5.6 5
Areas in Polar Coordinates 8.7 1
Transcendental Functions and Their Inverses 6.1,6.3-6.8 6
Techniques of Integration 7.1-3,6,7,9 5
Ordinary Differential Equations 16.1-16.5 5

A final from this course, last year Solutions contain MANY errors -- Be careful.

Problems from chapter 16. ODE's

A list of sections and topics that you may have forgoten about, but which are in the sylabus, and therefore possibly on the final:


Current Problems: Some problems:

Extra credit: Find the integral of Square root of tangent x. To recieve credit on this you need to EMAIL me a detailed explination of the individual steps in computing this integral. I am NOT interested in just getting the answer, which is easy to do in maple or mathematica.

Quiz 3 solutions
Quiz 4 solutions

New! Improved! The calculus editable web pages (CoWeb pages) are here . Add what you like. I will give 1-3 points extra credit for substantial contributions to these pages. A substantial contribution is something that would prove useful to other students in this class and other students in calculus.

REMINDER: The student honor code:

Students are expected to act according to the highest ethical standards. The immediate objective of an Honor Code is to prevent any student from gaining an unfair advantage over any other student through academic misconduct. The following clarification of academic misconduct is taken from Section XIX, Student Conduct Code, of the Rules and Regulations section of the Georgia Tech General Catalog:<

The easy way to do symbolic integrals: The Mathematica Integrator. This can also be used to check you own answers.
General Information

Class (at Tech) is at 11:00 am MWF in Skiles 256. On TTh, it is at 1:00 pm in the same place. The TA for 1508A is S. Manay

The quiz grades will be scaled and added together, and count for 55% of the grades. Computer Projects 10%, Homework 10%, and Final exam 25%.

All tests and quizes will be open book and notes. Calculators allowed.

Help stamp out meaningless symbolic manipulation

Why I prefer Mathematica

If you are taking MATH 1507, 1508, 1509, 1518, 1709, 1711, 1712, 1713, and 2507, please note that the Math Lab is open on M - Th from 11 to 4 in Skiles 257. It is staffed by teaching assistants. It is free and is open to Georgia Tech students taking the above classes.

Previous stuff from this quarter

Older Math 1508 Postings

Stupid Puzzle of the Day #6:

Note: As of yet (Feb 11) No one has answered this puzzle correctly. If you tried before, try again.

At the trial of Nat Chafee, who was accused of steeling a Calculus book, there were three witnesses, Ted Hill, Carl Spruill, and Dan Klain. These three came forth and made the following statements:

It turned out that exactly one of the witnesses told the truth. Did Chafee steel the Calculus book or not?

Solution by Ryan Cantor: Chafee did not still the book. Since Hill's and Spruill's contradict one of them is lying and the other is telling the truth. That means Klain is also lying. Therefore Chafee has stolen less than one book.
- Ryan Cantor

New puzzle to appear soon.

Email the answer:

List of first currect answerers:

  • Puzzle #1: Ryan Cantor
  • Puzzle #2: Matthew Nugent.
  • Puzzle #3: Chris Adams
  • Puzzle #4: Nick Mazzolini
  • Puzzle #5: Chris Young

    Previous Stupid Puzzles with answers can be found here

    Next quiz ... Next Thursday.... Suggested Problems:
    First Computer Project: is here . It is a maple file. You are to do the exercies is groups of two or three, including text so that the file is readable. Also you are to contribute (as a group) a web page on the editible CoWeb about this project, or about similar problems. This will be due on or about Febuary 22. More information to come on the CoWeb section of the project.

    Directions for the Computer Project:

  • Your CoWeb page should contain:

    The due date is Febuary 22.

    Wed. Feb 3 we start work and centroids. Feb 8 we did centroids, center of mass, and started logs. On Wed 9 and Fri 11 we fishished covering sections 6.3 and 6.4, and basically covered 6.5. As of now (Friday afternoon) the quiz on Tues will cover though 6.5.
    Suggested Problems: Quiz Feb 16
    Feb 16.... Will cover at least through 6.5.

    There will be a review sesion on Monday from 5:30pm to about 6:30 pm.

    Solutions to quiz 2 . Note: There was error in the solution to problem #2 that was corrected at 4:32 pm Tuesday. Many thanks to John Foss (+2 points on this test!) for pointing this out.
    General Information

    Class (at Tech) is at 8:05 am in The Paul Weber Space Science and Technology Building on MWF. On TTh, it is in Skiles 146. The TA for 1508A is Dr. Eric Boczko

    Suggested Problems - Chapter 6 Quiz -- Feb 26

    Sections one and two and five are primarily "review".

    The quiz will consist of one growth and decay problem, and then a buch of shorter [roblems involving derivatives and integrals involving logs, exponentials, trig functions and inverse trig functions.

    Current Problems - Chapter 6 Qu Sections one and two are primarily "review"
    Last Week Computer project: Due Feb 18. To be done in groups of Three Text Version , Maple Version , Mathematica 3.x version . Mathematica 2.x version available Wed.

    Problems from Recent Lectures:

    Week of Feb 2-6
    Quiz This Thursday!
    Current Problems:

    (Hour) quiz January 29.
    Covers through 5.2 (not including shells, but including disc and surfaces revolved arround the x-axis.). Problems to work for the test are as follows:

    Copy of quiz #1, with answers: Mathematica 3.0 Document , Postscript (printable) file .

    Quiz on Thursday
    Covers 4.4, 4.5,4.6

    Suggested Problems:

    How to prepare for the quiz:
    1. Work problems by yourself
    2. Work problems with others (more fun than 1)
    3. Ask questions of me in classs on Wed.
    4. Ask question of the TA (Boczo or Lewis) in class on Tues or the first half of class on Thurs.
    5. See me during office hours (MWF 9:30-11, Skiles 263 or 237) -- other times by arrangement.
    6. See the TA during office hours.
    7. Math-Lab (see below...) Skiles 257, MTuWTh 11-4 ... free

    The hour test on thursday counts as two quizes. There are two alternative ways to handle this:

    1. The grade is recorded twice in the spreadsheet. OR
    2. The two halfs of the quiz are graded seperately, and recorded seperately .
    Which do you want? Let me know: email:

    Course Outline for Math 1508
    Topic Sections Appoximate Days
    The Integral 4.1-4.8 6
    Applications of the Definite Integral 5.1-5.6 5
    Areas in Polar Coordinates 8.7 1
    Transcendental Functions and Their Inverses 6.1,6.3-6.8 6
    Techniques of Integration 7.1-3,6,7,9 5
    Ordinary Differential Equations 16.1-16.5 5

    The grade will be based on

    The quiz grades and hour test grades will be added together, with one quiz (whoch could be 1/2 of the hour test) dropped. They are then ageraged together, and count for 55% of the grades. Computer Projects 10%, Homework 10%, and Final exam 25%.

    All tests and quizes will be open bok and notes. Calculators allowed.

    Stuggested Problems
    Mathematica Information

    I will sometimes post Matheamtica Documents on the web.

    Note: If you have access to Mathematica on your machine, you may want to set Netscape preferences so that file extensions "ma" and "nb"points to Mathematica. This can be found under "helper apps". Note however, that you need a lot of RAM to do this.

    If you do not have Mathematica, you can read the following files with Math Reader , downloadable from Wolfram Research

    Need to do an integral? Try this. Brought to you by Wolfram Research

    A Reiman Sum Java Aplet by Bill Ziemer at Long Beach

    Help stamp out meaningless symbolic manipulation

    Why I prefer Mathematica

    If you are taking MATH 1507, 1508, 1509, 1518, 1709, 1711, 1712, 1713, and 2507, please note that the Math Lab is open on M - Th from 11 to 4 in Skiles 257. It is staffed by teaching assistants. It is free and is open to Georgia Tech students taking the above classes.

    Return to the current 1508 page.

    Return to Tom Morley's Home Page

    Phone: (404) 894 9233 Fax: (404) 894 4409