Math 1502
Quiz #2
Feb 1
Tom Morley
Open Book and Notes. Carefully explain your proceedures and answers. Calculators allowed, but answers mush be exact.
Problem 1
a. Find a series for ln(1-x) (look it up).
b. Find a series for ln(1-
c. Find a series for sin(2x)
d. Find a series for
sin(2 x)
e. find the limit as x--> 0 of
b: Just stubstitute. Everywhere you see an x put an
c: Start with the series for sin(x), and everywhere you see an x, put an
d: Multiply the above by
Look at ratio of leading terms
= -1/2.
Problem 2 (10 points)
Eddy Merckx Needs to compute an integral. He suggests the folling steps:
a. From the formula for Taylor series with error bound for
(Valid for |x| ≤ 1):
- ( 1 + x +
+ ... +
) | ≤
Derive a formula for Taylor series with error bound for
b. From the above derive a formula for Taylor series with error bound for
c. From the above derive a formula for Taylor series with error bound for
b: Now multiply the answer to a: by
and if you like, simplify:
Integrate b: term by term:
Converted by Mathematica
February 1, 2000